GPT-SoVITS: A Text-to-Speech and Voice Cloning model

Lately, some Text-to-Speech (TTS) models are coming out all together. As their name suggests, they are able to convert written text into spoken words. One of them is GPT-SoVITS, an open-source project that has gained significant attention for its ability to clone voices with remarkable accuracy and little effort. In fact, it needs only a minute of audio to become able to generate a synthetic voice that resembles the original.

Also, as stated in the GitHub page, it can perform a text-to-speech conversion with just a 5-second vocal sample and it can produce an output in a language different from the input (currently: English, Japanese and Chinese).

Absolutely, testing GPT-SoVITS is straightforward when you follow the provided instructions. The project’s GitHub repository offers comprehensive guidelines that walk you through the entire process, from installation to usage.

The steps include installing the necessary software, providing training voice material, checking voice recognition accuracy, formatting the training data, fine-tuning the training, and finally, performing inference. Each step is clearly explained, making it easy for users to test the system.

Moreover, the project includes a user-friendly WebUI, which simplifies the process even further, even if something there is written in Chinese. With these resources, users can quickly get started with GPT-SoVITS and explore its impressive capabilities.

To test for example the text-to-speech yourself, after having installed it, you require only few minutes. Open the WebUI and then click where the following image shows.

Another WebUI will be opened and there you have to: insert an audio that will be used as reference, choose the language spoken in the audio, write a text to be translate into speech and its language (that can be different from the reference audio!!!). Then click on Start inference and the audio will be generated as shown in the following image.

If you want, you can download the output audio or click again on Start inference to generate another audio that will be slightly different from the previous one.

So, GPT-SoVITS has a wide range of potential applications, from creating personalized voice assistants to generating voiceovers for animations, representing also a nice advancement in the field of voice cloning thanks to its ability to generate high-quality synthetic voices with minimal training data.

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