LaVague: Revolutionizing Web Interactions with LLM


LaVague is here: an innovative open source project that aims to transform the way we interact with the internet! It uses advanced artificial intelligence techniques to translate natural language instructions into browser actions, freeing users from repetitive tasks and allowing them to focus on more meaningful activities.

So, what is LaVague?

LaVague is a large action model framework designed to automate browser interactions. It uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), a branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to understand and generate text and speech, to interpret instructions in plain language. It then integrates with Selenium, a powerful tool for automating web browsers, to execute these instructions as browser actions.

Why is LaVague Important?

Automating Repetitive Tasks

LaVague targets tasks that are repetitive, time-consuming, and require minimal cognitive effort. By automating these tasks, users can save valuable time for other activities… And I’d say a lot of it!

Personalized Automation

Users can customize LaVague to meet their specific needs: whether it’s paying bills, filling out forms, or extracting data from websites, LaVague can adapt to any kind of individual need, like shown in the demonstration video of its GitHub page.

Open Source and Transparent

LaVague is built on open-source projects, ensuring transparency and alignment with user interests. It supports local models like LLama 2, Gemma or Mistral, allowing users to maintain control and privacy.

How Does LaVague Work?

LaVague harnesses the power of three things:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Selenium
  • Advanced AI techniques

Thanks to NLP, LaVague understands instructions expressed in natural language. For example, users can provide commands like “search for flights” or “log in to my account,” and LaVague will understand and act on these instructions.

Then, LaVague integrates seamlessly with Selenium and translates NLP instructions into browser actions, automating the interaction with the web browser.

To be able to do this, LaVague combines advanced AI techniques like:

  • Few-shot learning, a machine learning framework where an AI model learns to make accurate predictions by training on a very small number of labeled examples;
  • Chain of thought, the sequence of cognitive processes an AI system that follows to make decisions or produce outputs.

In particular, LaVague uses these techniques to extract relevant HTML pieces from web pages and generate Selenium code without fine-tuning the language model.


While a colab notebook is already out to test LaVague, developers are also working on a HuggingFace gradio demo.

Concluding, LaVague is not just a promising step, but a powerful leap towards democratizing the use of transparent and user-aligned AI models on the internet, posing itself as a significant building block and exciting addition to the grand project of automation.

Let LaVague take charge of your routine tasks on the net!

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