Many-shot Jailbreaking: A New Frontier in AI Safety

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance at a rapid pace, the development of large language models (LLMs) has opened up new possibilities for natural language processing and generation. However, with these advancements come new challenges in ensuring the safety and reliability of these models. One such challenge is the phenomenon of “jailbreaking”, that is the ability to manipulate an AI model to produce undesirable or harmful outputs. In the following we will see a specific type of jailbreaking called “Many-shot Jailbreaking” (MSJ), introduced by Anthropic, which exploits the recently expanded context windows of LLMs to induce harmful behaviors… However, this is just an introduction! More details in the following sections:

  1. Understanding Large Language Models and Context Windows
  2. The Concept of Jailbreaking
  3. Many-shot Jailbreaking: Exploiting Long Context Windows
  4. Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Many-shot Jailbreaking
  5. Exploring Mitigation Strategies
  6. Challenges and Future Directions
  7. Conclusion

Understanding Large Language Models and Context Windows

Large language models are AI systems trained on vast amounts of text data, allowing them to generate human-like responses to prompts and engage in various language tasks. These models operate within a specific “context window,” which refers to the amount of text the model can process and consider when generating a response. In recent years, the context windows of publicly available LLMs have expanded significantly, from around 4,000 tokens (roughly equivalent to 3,000 words) to upwards of 10 million tokens (equivalent to multiple novels or codebases).

The Concept of Jailbreaking

Jailbreaking, in the context of AI safety, refers to the act of manipulating an AI model to produce outputs that go against its intended purpose or training: this can include generating harmful, biased, or deceptive content, or bypassing safety constraints put in place by the model’s developers. So, jailbreaking poses a significant risk to the safe deployment of AI systems, as it can lead to unintended consequences and undermine the trust placed in these models.

Many-shot Jailbreaking: Exploiting Long Context Windows

Many-shot Jailbreaking is a specific type of jailbreaking that takes advantage of the expanded context windows in modern LLMs. The attack involves prompting the model with a large number of examples (hundreds or even thousands) of undesirable behavior, such as generating harmful or biased content. By providing the model with an extensive context of such examples, an attacker can manipulate the model to produce similar undesirable outputs, even if the model was originally trained to avoid such behaviors.

The effectiveness of MSJ is rooted in the concept of “in-context learning,” where LLMs learn to perform tasks by observing examples within the input prompt, without the need for additional training or fine-tuning. As the context window expands, the model’s ability to learn from a larger number of examples increases, making it more susceptible to MSJ attacks.

Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Many-shot Jailbreaking

Researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of MSJ on a variety of state-of-the-art LLMs, including models developed by leading AI companies such as Anthropic, OpenAI, and Google DeepMind. By providing these models with a sufficient number of examples of harmful or biased content, the researchers were able to elicit undesirable behaviors, such as generating instructions for building weapons, engaging in hate speech, or producing deceptive content. In the following image it’s shown the percentage of harmful replies using the model Claude 2, depending on the number of shots tried.

The success of MSJ attacks has been shown to follow a power law relationship with the number of examples provided in the context window. This means that as the number of examples increases, the likelihood of a successful jailbreak grows exponentially, as shown in the image. This finding highlights the potential risks associated with the ever-expanding context windows of LLMs and the need for robust safety measures to mitigate these risks.

Exploring Mitigation Strategies

Given the severity of the threat posed by Many-shot Jailbreaking, researchers and AI developers are actively exploring various mitigation strategies to protect LLMs from these attacks. Some of the approaches being investigated include:

  1. Supervised Fine-tuning: This involves training the model on a dataset of examples that demonstrate desirable behaviors and responses to potential jailbreaking attempts. By exposing the model to a diverse set of positive examples, the hope is to make it more resistant to MSJ attacks.
  2. Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning techniques can be used to reward the model for producing safe and appropriate responses while penalizing it for generating harmful or biased content. This approach aims to steer the model’s behavior towards more desirable outcomes.
  3. Prompt-based Defenses: Researchers are also exploring the use of prompt-based defenses, such as prepending input prompts with warnings or examples of appropriate responses to potentially harmful queries. These techniques aim to guide the model’s behavior by providing it with explicit instructions or context to avoid undesirable outputs.
  4. Context Length Constraints: Another potential mitigation strategy is to limit the context window size of LLMs, reducing the number of examples an attacker can provide in an MSJ attack. However, this approach comes with the trade-off of potentially limiting the model’s ability to perform complex tasks that require longer context.
  5. Adversarial Training: Adversarial training involves exposing the model to a wide range of jailbreaking attempts during the training process, allowing it to learn to recognize and defend against such attacks. By incorporating MSJ examples into the training data, the model can develop a more robust understanding of what constitutes undesirable behavior.

Challenges and Future Directions

While the aforementioned mitigation strategies show promise in defending against Many-shot Jailbreaking, there are still significant challenges to overcome. One major challenge is the difficulty in creating a comprehensive dataset of jailbreaking examples that covers all possible attack vectors. As attackers continue to develop new and more sophisticated techniques, it becomes increasingly difficult to anticipate and defend against every possible scenario.

Another challenge lies in the potential trade-offs between safety and performance. Implementing strict safety measures, such as heavily constraining the context window or aggressively filtering input prompts, may hinder the model’s ability to perform certain tasks or engage in open-ended conversations. Finding the right balance between safety and functionality is a key area of research and development in the field of AI safety.

Furthermore, the discovery of power law relationships in the effectiveness of MSJ attacks suggests that simply increasing the number of positive examples in the training data may not be sufficient to completely eliminate the risk of jailbreaking. As the context window continues to expand, the potential for successful MSJ attacks grows exponentially, making it increasingly difficult to maintain safety through data alone.

Moving forward, researchers and AI developers will need to continue exploring novel approaches to mitigating the risks posed by Many-shot Jailbreaking and other forms of AI manipulation. This may involve the development of more advanced techniques for detecting and filtering malicious input prompts, as well as the incorporation of explicit ethical constraints and value alignment into the training process of LLMs.

Additionally, collaboration between AI researchers, ethicists, and policymakers will be crucial in establishing clear guidelines and regulations for the development and deployment of LLMs. By fostering open dialogue and working towards a shared understanding of the risks and responsibilities associated with these powerful technologies, we can strive to create a future in which AI systems are not only capable but also safe and beneficial to society as a whole.


Many-shot Jailbreaking represents a significant challenge in the realm of AI safety, highlighting the potential risks associated with the increasing capabilities of large language models. As these models continue to evolve and their context windows expand, it becomes ever more critical to develop robust strategies for mitigating the risks of jailbreaking and ensuring the safe and responsible deployment of AI systems.

Through ongoing research, collaboration, and a commitment to ethical principles, we can work towards a future in which LLMs and other AI technologies are not only powerful tools for innovation and discovery but also trusted allies in the pursuit of a better world. By addressing the challenges posed by Many-shot Jailbreaking and other forms of AI manipulation, we can unlock the full potential of these technologies while safeguarding against their potential misuse.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with artificial intelligence, it is essential that we remain vigilant in our efforts to ensure the safety and integrity of these systems: only by working together and maintaining a steadfast commitment to responsible AI development can we hope to create a future in which the benefits of these technologies are realized while the risks are effectively mitigated!

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