Let’s face it, when it comes to pushing the frontiers of AI, NVIDIA is right now in a league of its own… And the latest news from NVIDIA is? Nemotron-4 340B: a whole new family of language models where each model is part of a synthetic data generation pipeline able to generate high quality dataset to train other LLMs. Also, it’s released under the NVIDIA Open Model License Agreement, a really permissive license!

However, I’d say the introduction can end now. More details in:

  1. The SDG Pipeline: A Wellspring of Synthetic Data
  2. Nemotron-4 340B: A Symphony of AI Models
  3. Building the Foundation: Pretraining Nemotron-4-340B-Base
  4. Alignment: Shaping Desirable Behavior
  5. Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct: Putting Performance to the Test
  6. Conclusion

The SDG Pipeline: A Wellspring of Synthetic Data

Let’s start with the pipeline, in which the models take part.

The Nemotron-4 340B SDG (synthetic data generation) pipeline is a carefully orchestrated process designed to create a rich and diverse dataset for LLM training.

SDG pipeline

This pipeline involves several key stages:

  1. Prompt Generation: Seeds of Diversity: The process begins by generating a wide array of prompts, ensuring diversity in terms of task, topic, and instruction. This diversity is crucial for creating synthetic data that can train models to handle a broad spectrum of real-world scenarios.
  2. Response and Dialogue Generation: AI Role-Playing: Utilizing an initial aligned LLM as a generator, the pipeline creates both individual responses and multi-turn dialogues based on the generated prompts. This involves simulating both user and assistant roles to create realistic and engaging conversations.
  3. Quality Filtering: Ensuring High Standards: The generated responses and dialogues are then subject to a rigorous quality filtering process, ensuring that only high-quality data is retained for training. This filtering often involves using a specialized reward model to assess the quality and helpfulness of the generated content.
  4. Preference Ranking: Refining Aligned Behavior: To further align the LLM’s behavior with human preferences, the pipeline incorporates preference ranking. This involves generating multiple responses for the same prompt and then ranking them based on their perceived quality, often using a combination of human judgment and reward model assessments.

This meticulously designed SDG pipeline enables the creation of vast quantities of high-quality training data, overcoming the limitations of relying solely on human-annotated data. This high-quality, aligned synthetic data is then used to train a new, more capable base model, establishing a self-reinforcing loop of improvement, or in other words a continuous cycle of model refinement and data generation, known as “Weak-to-Strong Alignment”.

This approach not only accelerates the development of powerful LLMs but also opens up exciting new possibilities for training models on highly specialized or niche domains where annotated data is scarce.

Nemotron-4 340B: A Symphony of AI Models

The Nemotron-4 340B family comprises three distinct yet interconnected models, each meticulously designed to excel in a specific area:

  1. Nemotron-4-340B-Base: This model is the bedrock, the foundational layer upon which the entire family is built. Pretrained on a massive 9 trillion token dataset, its primary role is to cultivate a deep understanding of both language and code. This foundational understanding serves as a springboard for the development of more specialized models.
  2. Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct: Building upon the robust foundation of the base model, Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct undergoes a rigorous alignment process specifically designed to excel at following instructions and participating in natural, coherent conversations. This is the model designed for practical applications, interacting with users and executing tasks in a way that aligns with human expectations.
  3. Nemotron-4-340B-Reward: This model operates behind the scenes, playing a critical role in the alignment process of Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct. Acting as a discerning judge of response quality and helpfulness, it guides the instruction-following model toward generating outputs that are not only accurate but also aligned with human preferences.

The interconnected nature of this model trio is fundamental to the success of the Instruct model. In fact, the robust linguistic and code comprehension of the base model enables the creation of a highly aligned and user-friendly instruction-following model, carefully shaped and refined by the specialized reward model.

Building the Foundation: Pretraining Nemotron-4-340B-Base

Nemotron-4-340B-Base serves as the cornerstone of the family, with its strength stemming from its pretraining process and exposure to a massive and meticulously curated dataset.

Data Diversity: A Rich Tapestry of Information: The model is trained on a blend of:

  • English natural language data (70%): This includes a diverse range of sources like web documents, news articles, scientific papers, and books, exposing the model to a breadth of writing styles and subject matter.
  • Multilingual natural language data (15%): Spanning 53 languages, this expands the model’s linguistic capabilities beyond English, enabling it to understand and generate text in multiple languages.
  • Source code data (15%): Incorporating 43 programming languages, this equips the model with the ability to comprehend and generate code, a crucial skill for tasks involving software development, data analysis, and more.

Architectural Insights: A Closer Look Under the Hood: Nemotron-4-340B-Base leverages a standard decoder-only Transformer architecture, a popular and effective choice for LLMs due to its ability to efficiently process sequential data. Key architectural components include:

  • Causal attention masks: This mechanism ensures the model focuses only on preceding words when generating text, mimicking the natural flow of language and preventing future information from influencing its output.
  • Rotary Position Embeddings (RoPE): This enables the model to grasp the order and position of words within a sentence, a fundamental aspect of understanding grammar, syntax, and subtle nuances in meaning.
  • SentencePiece tokenizer: This breaks down text into smaller units called subwords, allowing the model to handle a wider range of vocabulary and languages more effectively, especially for languages with complex morphology or a vast number of unique words.
  • Squared ReLU activations: This introduces non-linearity into the model, enabling it to learn and represent complex relationships within the data, going beyond simple linear patterns to capture more intricate connections.

Training at Scale: Harnessing Computational Power: The model’s training was a massive undertaking, requiring immense computational resources. Utilizing 768 NVIDIA DGX H100 nodes (each equipped with eight high-performance H100 GPUs!!!) the training process harnessed the power of parallel processing and advanced techniques like tensor parallelism and pipeline parallelism to efficiently handle the vast and diverse dataset.

Continued Training: Fine-Tuning for Excellence: The final stage of training involved strategically shifting the data distribution and learning rate schedule to further refine the model’s abilities. This fine-tuning process focused on improving the model’s ability to answer questions accurately and address areas where its initial performance was comparatively weaker.

Base Model Evaluation: Demonstrating Strong Foundations: Nemotron-4-340B-Base exhibited its robust capabilities by achieving strong results on various standard reasoning and code benchmarks, demonstrating its potential as a solid foundation for more specialized models.

BenchmarkNemotron-4-340B-BaseLlama-3 70BMistral 8x22BQwen-2 72B
BigBench Hard (BBH)85.4481.3078.9082.40
Performance of Nemotron-4-340B-Base on standard reasoning and code benchmarks. Higher scores indicate better performance.

As you can see, it beats the other open source models…

Alignment: Shaping Desirable Behavior

While pretraining empowers Nemotron-4-340B-Base with a wealth of knowledge and linguistic understanding, aligning this knowledge to specific tasks and user expectations necessitates an additional layer of training. This is where Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct, the instruction-following model, comes into play.

Reward Modeling: Guiding Principles: Central to the alignment process is the development of a robust reward model. This model learns to distinguish between high-quality and low-quality responses, acting as a guide for the instruction-following model to generate outputs that are not only accurate but also aligned with human preferences.

  • HelpSteer2 Dataset: A vital resource for training the reward model is the HelpSteer2 dataset, comprised of 10,000 human-annotated preference data points. This dataset captures human judgments about what constitutes a good or bad response, enabling the reward model to learn nuanced distinctions and preferences.
  • Multi-attribute Regression: Instead of relying on simple pairwise ranking, Nemotron-4-340B-Reward leverages a multi-attribute regression approach. This allows the model to evaluate multiple aspects of response quality (helpfulness, correctness, coherence, complexity, verbosity) independently, providing a more detailed and informative assessment.

Synthetic Data Generation (SDG): Amplifying Human Input: Obtaining large quantities of high-quality annotated data for alignment can be challenging and resource-intensive. To address this, the development of Nemotron-4 340B made extensive use of SDG, leveraging the power of LLMs themselves to generate vast amounts of training data.

Alignment Algorithms: Blending the Old and the New: The alignment process leveraged a combination of established and newly developed techniques:

  • Staged Supervised Fine-tuning: Rather than training on all tasks concurrently, this approach involved two distinct stages: Code SFT and General SFT. Code SFT is the stage focused solely on improving the model’s code-generation abilities using a large dataset of synthetic code samples and their corresponding solutions. General SFT is the stage built upon the code-focused stage, incorporating a blended dataset encompassing a wider variety of tasks to create a more well-rounded and adaptable model.
  • Preference Fine-tuning: Aligning with Human Preferences: This stage aimed to further refine the model’s responses to better align with human preferences. Two key algorithms were employed: DPO and RPO. DPO (Direct Preference Optimization) trains the model to maximize the likelihood difference between a chosen (preferred) response and a rejected response, guiding the model to favor desirable outputs. RPO (Reward-aware Preference Optimization), a novel algorithm developed by NVIDIA, incorporates the reward model’s feedback directly into the preference learning process, resulting in more nuanced and effective learning that considers the degree of preference.

Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct: Putting Performance to the Test

The effectiveness of the alignment process is evident in the strong performance of Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct across a wide range of benchmark tasks.

Automatic Benchmarks: Quantifying Performance: The model underwent rigorous evaluation on diverse tasks, including single-turn and multi-turn conversations, mathematical problem-solving, code generation, instruction following, and staying on topic during dialogue. Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct consistently achieved highly competitive or even state-of-the-art results, showcasing its robust capabilities and strong alignment with human expectations.

Arena Hard54.241.136.448.1
AlpacaEval 2.0 LC41.534.430.938.850.0
MT-Bench (GPT-4-Turbo)
HumanEval (0-shot)73.281.776.286.085.4
MBPP (0-shot)75.482.373.880.285.7
Performance of Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct on various automatic benchmarks, compared to other open-source and proprietary models.

Human Evaluation: Insights from Human Judges: Human evaluations, conducted by a team of trained annotators, revealed that Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct excels in tasks requiring brainstorming or engaging in multi-turn conversations, and that it is better at these tasks than GPT-4-1106-preview. These findings highlight the model’s ability to not only generate creative content but also maintain coherence and context over extended interactions.

Safety Considerations: Prioritizing Responsible Development:

Safety evaluations demonstrated that Nemotron-4-340B-Instruct exhibits a significantly lower rate of unsafe responses compared to baseline models. This underscores a strong commitment to responsible AI development and a focus on mitigating potential risks associated with generating harmful content.


The Nemotron-4 340B model family represents a significant contribution to the field of Large Language Models. Its training methodologies, particularly the innovative use of synthetic data generation and iterative alignment techniques, are really important and I think many other competitors will adopt them in the near future…

Ah! And if you want to start using the Nemotron-4 340B models, just go to Hugging Face!

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